Owner of SA Sucks (zasucks.com) : Uhuru Guru aka Lone Wolf
According to Beeld , the South African police allege that Bert Oosthuizen is (was) the webmaster of a ‘right wing’ blog, known as South Africa Sucks (SAS). Furthermore that he blogs under the pseudonym of ‘Uhuru Guru’.
According to an alleged former SAS blogger, Marwinsing, Uhuru Guru also blogs under the pseudonym of Lone Wolf.
Brother of Neels Oosthuizen:
According to former SAS blogger, Marwinsing, Bert Oosthuizen is the brother of property attorney Neels Oosthuizen; who is (was) also a blogger at SA Sucks, under the name of “Doodler’.
IT Specialist: Murder of Forensic Auditor Richard Theron and Estelle van Dyk
Bert Oosthuizen first made the mainstream news, subsequent to the brutal murder of Forensic Auditor Richard Theron and his girlfriend Estelle van Dyk, on 05 June 2004, who rehabilitated horses on their farm Koesterfontein, in the Magaliesburg.
Bert Oosthuizen was identified as an IT-specialist from Randburg who had done work for Theron, prior to this death, and who was also the IT-specialist who retrieved documents from the personal computer of the couple after their murder. According to Oosthuizen, “the documents, dating from November 5 last year to January 30 [2004], sketched a picture of two people whose please had fallen on deaf ears.”
It was subsequently revealed that the farm Koesterfontein was rich with uranium deposits.
Alleged Agent Provocateur: Piet Skiet
According to Frikkie Potgieter (aka Kubaan), Fred Rundle attempted to recruit him to work for Bert Oosthuizen , to participate in the Boeremag efforts to seek Afrikaner Extremists to Ignite a Race War. When Frikkie refused, Rundle and Oosthuizen accused him of being a traitor, and embarked on a project to smear Frikkie’s reputation; by starting the blog named Die Skandpaal, of which Frikkie suspects Rundle was the instigator and Oosthuizen the author, in the name of Piet Skiet.
Alleged: Internet Harrassment: Interracial Porn Subscriber
Frikkie Potgieter:
According to Frikkie Potgieter, Bert Oosthuizen allegedly subscribed him to various gay interracial porn websites, among other things:
—– Original Message —–
From: BertO
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Where is Cobus on Saint Madiba day?
LOL, brilliant advice, I second that – like you have NO idea!
Ever since he relieved me of a few grand (2002/3 I think) I suggested the same thing to him. Every now & then someone jumps from Van Staden’s bridge just down the drag from Frikkie. So I dutifully email every incident to him, just as a reminder of his obligations to the world.
Silly bugger doesn’t think it’s funny anymore, in fact he even reported me to Mweb abuse. Not sure what he got upset over the most – the suicide emails, or the fact that I subscribed him to about 30 gay interracial porn website newsletters…
Oh well, in the end I got my money’s worth. Our hero is too stupid & short-sighted to realise his name & reputation is worth far more than a miserable few grand.
—– Original Message —–
From: BertO
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Where is Cobus on Saint Madiba day?
LOL, brilliant advice, I second that – like you have NO idea!
Ever since he relieved me of a few grand (2002/3 I think) I suggested the same thing to him. Every now & then someone jumps from Van Staden’s bridge just down the drag from Frikkie. So I dutifully email every incident to him, just as a reminder of his obligations to the world.
Silly bugger doesn’t think it’s funny anymore, in fact he even reported me to Mweb abuse. Not sure what he got upset over the most – the suicide emails, or the fact that I subscribed him to about 30 gay interracial porn website newsletters…
Oh well, in the end I got my money’s worth. Our hero is too stupid & short-sighted to realise his name & reputation is worth far more than a miserable few grand.
—– Original Message —–
From: BertO
To: BertO
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 5:09 PM
Subject: Van Staden selfmoord
Wanneer spring JY bietjie, poesgevreet?
Te fokken lafhartig soos ek jou ken.
Teer jy nog op jou vrou en op charity, of pimp jy jou dogter?
Sal nie verbaas wees nie.
Another Van Staden suicide
03/07/2008 17:55 – (SA)
Dawie Reynecke: According to a Dawie Reynecke, Bert Oosthuizen is known for writing emails in other people’s name, subscribing them to porn and gay websites, and stating that God is a ‘Kaffir’. Furthermore Bert Oosthuizen is a pc boffin who monitors your mail without you knowing; he does not know how.
Bert Oosthuizen vs. Fred Rundle
Fred Rundle Allegations: Fraud, Theft, Crimen Injuria, and Hacking Computers and Distributing Viruses
According to Bert Oosthuizen:
On 08 November 2009, in SA Sucks post #6484, An Incredible Tale of Betrayal (Cache) (PDF:32C), Bert Oosthuizen (Uhuru Guru) states that: His former “conservative” and “right wing” friend, Mr. Fred Rundle, initiated and orchestrated this malicious political betrayal. Allegedly Mr. Rundle had dared to make endless treasonous public attacks on people like Dan Roodt, attorney Paul Kruger, and so many pro-White ’stryders’. Mr. Oosthuizen had confronted Mr. Rundle, for his disgusting act of treason of providing Ms. Deborah Patta, of 3rd Degree ETV, of ‘insider information’ designed to demean Dr. Roodt and make him look stupid.
Mr. Oosthuizen does not clarify whether the alleged ‘demeaning insider information’ about Dr. Roodt, provided to Ms. Patta, was true or false.
According to Mr. Oosthuizen he was so revulsed by Mr. Rundle’s act of treason (he does not define treason to what principles and values), and confronted him about it; and they did not speak for approximately a year.
A few months ago, Mr. Rundle was interviewed by The Right Perspective internet radio show, wherein he allegedly incorrectly claimed to have written a book/article about Mahatma Gandhi, as “being an incorrigible racist who referred to blacks as “lazy and indolent kaffirs””
According to Oosthuizen, “while the quote on Gandhi was factually correct, the truth was that Arthur Kemp had written the article”. So he decided to confront Rundle in “a nice way, asking him why he fabricated such outrageous lies and needlessly handed our enemies the means to destroy our credibility”.
Note: Rundle’s inaccurate statement that he had written the article about Gandhi, instead of Kemp; was justification for the accusation from Oosthuizen that Rundle was guilty of fabricating outrageous lies and needlessly handing our enemies the means to destroy our credibility.
Mr. Rundle was allegedly furious, and a war of words, via email occurred. Subsequent to which Rundle laid the charges of crimen injuria, hacking his computer and planting viruses on it; including his association with the SASucks Blog, and pro-White leaders like Dr. Dan Roodt.
See also:
* PRAAG: My onregmatige en onwettige arrestasie – Uhuru Guru (PDF); among others.
According to Fred Rundle:
According to former SAS blogger, Marwingsing, Mr. Rundle stated in an email to Ms. Adriana Stuijdt, of the blog Censorbug Bear Reports his perspectives and motives (Re: Bert Oosthuizen and Neels Oosthuizen) were as follows:
Nov 5 2009.
My name is Fred Rundle. I value the my good name and I have been invited by many organisations to address them. I do not smoke or drink and I live a very clean and disciplined life. I was the Johannesburg leader of the Volksfront and also the Witwatersrand Regional Chairman of the Conservative Party. I stood in 3 elections as a candidate, paying for everything out of my own pocket. I spoke at the United Nations in Geneva in 1995, appealing to them to recognise my people as indigenous people in South Africa.
I have noted how Doodler (Neels Oosthuizen) is trying to sweep up emotions about his brother Uhuru Guru to evoke sympathy for him. The facts are totally different to what they are trying to make everybody believe. Uhuru Guru was the man who repaired my computer and we became friends. He subsequently apparently was able to take over my email address fredrundle@gmail.com as well as my Facebook blog site – since I could no longer access either. My grandchildren then brought my attention to my Facebook and told me to ‘delete the filth from it’. I was unable to do so… I then contacted a very good computer-literate friend, and he managed to get my email and my Facebook back for me. Out of desperation, I decided to contact the police to clear my good name. I had no other option but to take the action I did. The following Facebook is my authorised blog: http://www.facebook.com/….id=1289378575
Fred Rundle
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