Bert Oosthuizen the agent provocateur !!!

Bert Oosthuizen the agent provocateur !!!

 South African blogger Bert Oosthuizen a.k.a Uhuru Guru a.k.a. Lone Wolf of the blog "ZASucks" has landed himself in jai.

 This comes as no surprise as he has a reputation for being an agent provocateur and a sellout to white people. This man has sent me hundreds of hate mails and made prank calls to me over the years, including one e-mail where
he cowardly threatened to have my mother murdered, hacked and chopped to pieces
. But why? What's happening inside Bert's head? He's also known as a loudmouth, a defamer of others, and likes to hack into strangers' PCs and spread viruses.

Beware the agent provocateur

Race is a sensitive topic. We've all been angered and horrified at the overt genocidal war being waged against white people in South Africa. We are also under no pretences that certain ANC forces are behind this genocide. The ANC votary is massive so it is easy for them to conceal this and just call it "crime". But hard facts don't lie. However, some elements in the white community have become notorious as racial rabble-rousers and Bert Oosthuizen happens to be a main instigator.
Well you, Bert Oosthuizen, in a fit of self-hatred, have just struck yourself over the head with your own knobkerrie in what I call The Boomarang Effect™ you bloody stupid moron. Ever heard of the word tact?


Re: Marwinsing's artwork 'n stuff

Post: # 50Post
Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:47 pm
Anonymous said...
A well balanced comment, Mark. Let's hope this little turd gets his comeuppance soon.
November 5, 2009 3:14 PM
Marwinsing said...
This bloke's dumped a lot of his negative energy upon unsuspecting white folks and I shan't keep silent about it.
November 5, 2009 3:56 PM
Marwinsing said...
Furthermore, there are the ZASucks cowboys and dreamers trying to portray him as some kind of hero. This is what I call The Merry Go Round mentality, like a bunch of madmen going round in circles. Midnight Express? Oosthuizen's a fool.
November 5, 2009 4:04 PM
Anonymous said...
He looks very strange, with those vacant eyes, snub nose and long upper lip.

Is he some kind of dwarf?
November 6, 2009 1:01 PM
Marwinsing said...
I smell a psychopath - the eyes...
November 6, 2009 2:52 PM
Anonymous said...
He looks like a dog with rabies I once saw.
November 6, 2009 9:14 PM
The Rooster said...
Hi , we may not agree on some issues but I have long suspected some kind of malicious agenda behind the works of UG and his ilk. It's hard to explain but it seems they actively talk down to their readers at S.A.S and I've long suspected there's something more than South Africa or race at the heart of it.
November 7, 2009 7:14 AM
Marwinsing said...
Hi Rooster. It could be said that agreeing to disagree is what blogging is all about and on that I will also agree with you that there is something very strange and sinister behind the agendas of UG and Co. Some may have noticed that I have moderated my own racial viewpoints and I have specific reasons for this, one of them being that it's an energy thing, quite simple. What comes around goes around. The Boomarang Effect™ - bad energies/malicious outbursts will oftentimes come back and klap us on the head and sometimes in metastasised form. Look at Oosthuizen today. Married man with wife, business and kids? Carrying on like this? Nah, something's wrong there.
November 7, 2009 8:52 AM

Marwinsing said...
Hey anonymous: UG not my friend. I'd prefer to see him dead. Let me be quite frank. I hate the prick and you wonder why we take such pleasure out of seeing him floored? You ain't heard nothing yet anony, you have no idea of what this guy has been up to. Anyhow, you and all your stupid pals are in for one big education as the Uhuru Guru Files unfold. Watch. Just watch. You're in for the shock of your lives you fools. Ignoramuses all, you are. Suckers. Uhuru Guru makes Juan Uys of Crimexpo look like an angel.
November 9, 2009 2:57 PM

Bert Oosthuizen is to reincarnate as Julius Malema's illegitimate daughter.
He's not gone gone yet but the booking has been made.
November 15, 2009 4:13 PM


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