Thursday, 5 April 2012

Bert Oosthuizen

Stalkers of the internet

Stalker of the internet

Have you seen this man?

Bert Oosthuizen, fraudster, terrorist, erotomaniac stalker, hacker, virus planter

"Suck my Boer c*ck. Consider yourself to have cyberherpes. I will never, ever leave you alone. I will destroy your life. I will destroy your business. I will pay blacks to hack your mother into pieces. I will drive you out of the country. I will drive you to suicide. It's not over until one of us is dead."

Bert Oosthuizen fled South Africa two years ago after being charged with fraud, aggravated menacing and cybercrime.
When he's at home at 28 Regency Gardens, Euxton, Chorley, Lancashire, he runs a company called Cybernetix IT and claims he can fix your computer long distance, no matter where you are. All he needs is a mirror image of your hard drive to fix it good and proper, to his own taste.

This terrorist, who has been trying for several years to incite a racial war in South Africa via various internet hate blogs, has made many threats of violence against many people. Consider him a dangerous menace, and have no dealings with him. He is desperate and will strike out at anyone. There is no facade of normality left as this blackmailer defames his victims in the crudest and most pornographic ways.

Stalker number 1: Bert Oosthuizen

A coward and a thug of the first degree!

Please note who this sick sack of shit looks very much like:

 Bert Oosthuizen runs an IT business called CYBERNETIX from his semi detached home at 28 Regency Gardens, Euxton, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7, 6NW, UK.

His contact numbers are +44 (0) 1257 247951  (landline) and +44 (0) 7514 464403 (mobile). He has another mobile number dedicated to sending deranged text messages, and that number is 44 (0) 2032 892491.

Oosthuizen is a slimy, evasive liar. Notice how he avoids direct questions with meaningless responses and baseless counter accusations.


Bert invites sex partners for him and Nikki Oosthuizen to participate in group sex, two on one, swingers, orgy, etc.
He also advertise  that they are willing to travel and stay over.


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